Melbourne Magento and BigCommerce experts
Magento enterprise pricing
Magento Enterprise price: 2009-2015 In my personal blog several months ago I wrote a post about does it make sense to buy Magento Enterprise ...
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Melbourne Magento and BigCommerce experts
eCommerce on-site search: David Jones vs Myer vs Iconic comparison
According to number of researches (check the references in my previous posts if interested) on-site search is very important tool to convert ...
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Melbourne Magento and BigCommerce experts
New Magento eCommerce official user guides published – CE 1.9.1. EE 1.14.1
New official user manuals for Magento eCommerce are available in Magento Merchant Doc centre Magento team has published new user guides, both ...
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Melbourne Magento and BigCommerce experts
Consumers browse from mobile but purchase from desktop
According to recent white paper from Marine Software that analysed performance of advertising with over $6B of annualised budget,  mobile device ...
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Melbourne Magento and BigCommerce experts
Magento Melbourne scene, part 3: Buyer’s Guide – Magento service providers
This is part 3 of series of articles about Melbourne Magento scene. In Part 1 we’ve talked about general availability of talents with Magento ...
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Melbourne Magento and BigCommerce experts
Melbourne Magento scene, part 2: outsource vs in-house
This is part 2 of series of articles about Melbourne Magento scene. In Part 1 we’ve talked about general availability of talents with Magento ...
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