New Magento eCommerce versions: Magento Enterprise 1.14.1 and Magento Community 1.9.1
Last week on Magento Live Australia 2014 conference eBay/Magento announced new versions of Magento eCommerce – Magento EE 1.14.1 and Magento CE 1.9.1.

At the time when I write this post (20 Nov 2014) Magento EE 1.14.1 is already available for download for partners and merchants, Magento CE 1.9.1 is expected to be published in few weeks according what I’ve heard from Magento guys.
Here is a quick overview of what’s new there:
Features included in both Magento Community 1.9.1 and Magento Enterprise 1.14.1
- Enhanced and improved responsive design theme with responsive email templates;
- Colour swatches, especially useful for fashion/apparel merchants;
- Support of MySQL 5.6 and PHP 5.5 that should provide significant improvements in performance and better security;
- Support of Universal Google Analytic
Included in Magento Enterprise 1.14.1 only
- New support tool that allows merchants to quickly provide Magento support team with a snapshot of system configuration and hence reduce communication time and efforts, especially for non-technical members of merchant teams;
- Improved work with large number of admin users, which was reported previously as a bottleneck;
- Finally there new version will include Visual Merchandising tool, which previously existed as a separate independent extension developed by OnTap. It was priced as $600 for Magento EE merchants, so quite good to have in included. Check the video below to to get better understanding of this tool
Taking into account that Magento 2 is coming, probably 1.14.1 EE and 1.9.1 CE will be the last under version 1 umbrella with major improvements, not just bug fixing. We will see.
- Official announcement of Magento EE 1.14,1 at Magento blog
- System Report tool description in Magento Knowledge Base
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