If you like many Magento merchants use Mailchimp for email marketing there is a high chance that you’ll be affected by this.

MailChimp for Magento (screenshot from Mailchimp website)
We use Mailchimp ourselves, so subscribed to their email announcements. Here is an email we have received yesterday:
As of March 4, 2017, the MageMonkey integration for the Magento 1 platform will no longer be supported. We strongly encourage all MageMonkey users to make the switch to MailChimp for Magento by this date to avoid any service interruptions.
Our MailChimp for Magento integration now includes powerful e-commerce features—product recommendations, abandoned cart automation, and improved e-commerce endpoints that use API 3.0 to sync customer data to MailChimp—so you can send targeted email and sell more stuff.
Visit our Knowledge Base to learn how to disconnect MageMonkey and connect MailChimp for Magento.
So if like thousands Magento merchants you use MageMonkey extension for Mailchimp integration you’ll be affected and left without official support. It isn’t clear how long the extension will work and when Mailchimp will decommssion API used by MageMonkey. Mailchimp promotes their new Magento extension for a while, but turning off MageMonkey support with less than 2 weeks notice is a bit harsh in my opinion. Anyway seems that Magento merchants now have to put migration to new extension in closer plans.
About MailChimp for Magento
Mailchimp for Magento was introduced last year and was developed by the same vendor – Ebismart. It is still free to use.
New extension supports some new functionality like abandoned cart recovery program managed through MailChimp rather than Magento interface, which gives you more flexibility.
On the other hand some merchants migrated to new extension report number of bugs. Also MailChimp for Magento doesn’t fully support multi-store environment. According official forum discussion such support is expected end of February 2017.
In addition to that there is no version of Mailchimp new extension for Magento 2 available at the moment (only MageMonkey extension exists), so it isn’t clear what M2 merchants are expected to do.