Magento Community Edition 1.9.2 is released

07 July 2015 Magento officially announced the release of new version of Magento Community Edition platform. The release with number 1.9.2 is available for download from official website.
New release includes the next changes:
- Security improvements: it contains number of earlier released security patches (SUPEE-5344, SUPEE-5994, SUPEE-6285) and some other security enhancements;
- Automated Functional Testing Framework, which contains 170 automatic tests, to find out more you can check Magento Testing Framework. This update should improve quality of online stores based on Magento platform and allow developers catch more bugs before websites move to production servers
- Technology stack updates – inclusion of Zend 1 Framework and integration with Redis
- Number of minor performance and improvements and bugfixes
To expand the last per, we’ll refer just several of these small improvements in Magento CE 1.9.2 that we have found most interesting and important:
- Magento can now be updated from Magento Connect Manager;
- Google Universal Analytics now includes information about customer orders. The configuration has been streamlined, and supports 2 account types: Google Analytics and Universal Analytics;
- The CMS Preview page uses the current theme.
- Custom options are preserved during import
To check more detailed information check official release notes
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