Australia and the whole world is experiencing probably the biggest crisis in the last decades. COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing measures to flatten the curve totally disrupted many businesses.
In this circumstances it is important to notify customers about what your business doing and how does it operate now. Are you open for business more or less as usual, only sell online, experience shipping delays.
Placing a highly visible notification at the top of all website page is a good way to do it. It will be noticed by all users no matter where they landed (home page, product page or contacts section), so not be missed.
We did quick search and haven’t found any open-source free extension for Magento 2 that can do this job, so quickly built one and share with Magento Community.
The extension supports text and HTML content of notification, can be excluded from some pages (e.g. you don’t want to display it on checkout) and can be configured on store view basis.
You can get it from Github, the extension is released under MIT licence, so totally free to download, use and modify.
Github URL: https://github.com/magenable/covide19-notice