Adobe released Page Builder for Magento Open Source
Adobe just released a new version of Magento/Adobe Commerce, 2.4.3 and among other things it has probably the most anticipated feature added to Magento Open Source – Page Builder

From this release open source version of the platform includes PageBuilder – an advanced and user-friendly content editing tool.
It allows Magento store owners to create complex content like banners, sliders, rich media and complex layouts in drag and drop interface. So marketers and content editors can do much more without need to ask coders for help. Page Builder is a huge step forward comparing with legacy WYSIWYG editor used in Magento Open Source before.
Previously Page Builder was only available in commercial, paid version of Magento – Adobe Commerce, but now Adobe released it for Open Source version too.
A small video official about PageBuilder:
Some of the type of content that can be created with Page Builder out of the box:
- Banner (image with text overlay)
- Slider/carousels with different transition effects and layouts
- Video (self-hosted or from Youtube or Vimeo)
- Maps (Google Maps integration)
- Buttons
- Complex layouts (columns, tabs)
Developers may extend PageBuilder with custom content types to meet specific client needs and make it even more powerful.
A good start to learn how to use Page Builder is to check official tutorials-
So pretty exciting development, kudos to Adobe for doing it. That makes Magento Open Source even better platform!
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